Doctor Who: Flashing Blade Podcast
A nonsense of Doctor Who, Science Fiction, some music and general chat and sillyness, featuring Siobhan Gallichan, Steve Hatcher, Ian Parkes and Doctor Augustus Julius Sinister IV.
The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-13 When Jo! was leaning on the lampost at the corner of her street, she listened to the Vegetable Man story, The Kingmaker. A little later, she cleaned some windows and saw the unaired version of An Unearthly Child.

You may gather from that that Jo! has got herself a Ukulele.


Oh Great.

next time Patient Zero and Rose

1-15will be The Holy Terror and Image of the Fendahl

1-16 will be a devious little Scots git special, no, not Gordon Brown, the 7Th Doctor, with Remembrance of the Daleks and Shadow of the Scourge...

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Oh, and the decorative vegetable t-shirt we mention can be bought from here:
Direct download: The_Flashing_Blade_Podcast_1-13.mp3
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