Doctor Who: Flashing Blade Podcast
A nonsense of Doctor Who, Science Fiction, some music and general chat and sillyness, featuring Siobhan Gallichan, Steve Hatcher, Ian Parkes and Doctor Augustus Julius Sinister IV.
The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-55

So, just how wrong are Tony, Jo! and Bob? Time to find out as we release, slightly early, our thoughts on The Pandorica Opens. Bob reviews the last Iris Wildthyme story, Jo! gives her version of the TARDIS dematerialisation noise and Cuddly Ken is our little treat at the end... Let's press the button marked idiot, shall we? Don't forget the picnic on 10/7/10 and our shop - all details on the website. Feedback to

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:59pm UTC

The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-54

Greetings, yes? This time around, sub 6th form humourist Tony, his plucky girl assistant, Jo! and the boy with the badge for podcasting excellence, The Face Of Bob, have a love affair with Doctor Who and The Lodger.


Or something.

Comedy Bob looks at the next Iris play he's listened upon and theres feedback sort of stuff included within which is a request for Tony NOT to play the theme to Kick Start.... Now, would he...?

Feedback please to


Don't forget the picnic on the 10th July in Hyde Park - pop to our website to see details....

Direct download: The_Flashing_Blade_Podcast_1-54.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:42pm UTC

The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-53

This time around, we discuss Vincent and the Doctor and the question is asked - could the show have educated people a little more about the mental health issues raised? Bob looks at Iris again - and she looks back at him, slightly squiffy. There's more stuff and things - all feedback to Don't forget our picnic at Hyde Park on 10/7/10. Go to the website for details.

Direct download: The_Flashing_Blade_Podcast_1-53.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06am UTC

The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-52

Were we spolit by the RTD Era? Is there something... wonky at the heart of the new series?

We talk about Cold Blood and whilst we enjoyed it, something, somewhere, isn't right, it seems...


Also, Adric looks at Iris Wildthyme, the Children of Time give us views and stuff, the little Tin Doggy makes an appeal, Chinn insults Tony and the Doctor Who Crossover Adventures get Very Silly Indeed... 



Direct download: The_Flashing_Blade_Podcast_1-52.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:14pm UTC

The Flashing Blade Podcast Interview Special 5 - Nick Briggs

'What is real life?'


This time around we have a chat with a Nick Briggs. Hear about the old Audio Visuals, the 90's fan explosion and just why a Judoon voice REALLY hurts the throat... Listen in conjunction with the DWPA interview with Nick as they compliment each other.



Direct download: The_Flashing_Blade_Podcast_Interview_Special_5_Nick_Briggs.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:20pm UTC