Doctor Who: Flashing Blade Podcast
A nonsense of Doctor Who, Science Fiction, some music and general chat and sillyness, featuring Siobhan Gallichan, Steve Hatcher, Ian Parkes and Doctor Augustus Julius Sinister IV.
Welcome to The Flashing Blade Podcast! Hello there. Well, I finally got around to starting a new podcast, after Staggering Stories and my stint on the DWO WhoCast. This is just more of the same. However, there is a twist. My new co-host, my plucky girl assistant, Jo!, is fairly new to all this nonsense, and much as she likes Doctor Who etc, she is not well versed in it. As a result, her views are refreshing and new, uncluttered with all the old cliches that all us Doctor Who podcasters come out with. However, she is dangerous when it comes to peppermint tea. Just thought I should warn you...

So, The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-1  (thats series 1, number 1) should be with you shortly. We both hope you enjoy it and we'll plop some bio's and piccies of ourselves up here shortly :)

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